Arch (aka Eric Jaroszko) with a record of:

Telestrio (aka Jordan Whittemore) with a record of:

Flarp (aka Nate Horan) with a record of:

There were some mix-ups with disqualifications and automated registrations, so you’ll notice one or two of the names in the bracket either not representing the actual player or potentially having been entered more than once. As luck (and a tremendous amount of effort) would have it, DQs and late registrations worked out so that any preliminary inconsistencies were inconsequential to the outcome of the tournament.
I want to extend a thank you to everyone who showed up and participated in the event and helped it to run so smoothly and successfully.
I’d also like to extend a very special thank you to the staff and volunteers below that either rented gear or helped to tournament organize, without whom it never could have happened. I’m probably missing some people (shoddy memory) but please know that you’re appreciated!:
- Eric C.
- Tyler C.
- Diman S.
- Nate R.
- Tyler V.
- Josh S.
- Lauren N.
- Jacob C.
- Shane S.
- Matt D.
- Ashley D.
I’d also like to extend another massive thank you to First Night Oneonta, 5 Star Subaru, Foothills Performing Arts Center, and Serenity Hobbies.
Don’t forget to check out Serenity Hobbies @
152-154 Main St. (47.96 mi)
Oneonta, New York 13820
They host a weekly Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament on Tuesdays @ ~6:00pm.
They have also added 12 State of the art PCs available for the latest and greatest in PC Gaming!
Call the number below for more information:
(607) 376-7276

*All rules are subject to change based on number of registrations and attendance.
Jump To: Info – Rules – Registration
Brought to you by:
Organized by: Ivan Potocnik (Coin-Op Legends, 1337FISTGaming, etc.)
Event Description
This event is part of First Night Oneonta 2019. There will be several Nintendo Switch consoles available which will be hosting several games for free play including Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Mario Party, and Mario Tennis Aces. There will also be free pizza, music, and seating at the event. This will be a non-alcoholic event.
24 Market St, Oneonta, NY 13820: PRODUCTION ROOM
December 31st, 2019
5:00pm – Tournament End
On-site tournament registration begins at 5:00pm and will close at 6:00pm. Late registrations will be considered at the tournament staff’s discretion and depending on the bracket.
Tournament Rules
Several varying sorts of controllers will be available for use at the event including Joycons, wired Pro Controllers, and wireless Pro Controllers. If you wish to bring your own controllers, please feel free, but remember to bring all necessary cables and adapters as the event will not provide connectors of any sort (e.g: camecube adapters, hubs, USB-C cables for individual use). For any more questions about controllers please see the rules section below.
Tournament Style
This will be a 1v1 tournament.
Game Settings
- Stock: 3
- Timer: 6:00
- Handicap: Off
- Team Attack: On
- Launch Rate: 1.0x
- Items: Off and None
- FS Meter: Off
- Damage Handicap: Off
- Custom Balance: Off
- Spirits: Off
- Pause: Off
- Stage Hazards: Off
- Stage Morph: Off
- Underdog Boost: Off
- Score Display: Off
- Show Damage: Yes
Set Length
All tournament sets will be a best-of-1 games, until a top cut where games are extended to best-of-3 games. Players in the top 3 positions will play best-of-3 games.
Set Procedure
- Players will select their characters. This will be a double blind character selection. Each player will tell a tournament organizer their character selection in secret, and the players are then locked into that choice for the coming match.
- Players will then play the first match of the set.
- For players in the top 3 positions, this process will be repeated for each of the following matches.
All preliminary best-of-1 matches will be played on Pokemon Stadium 2 . All best-of-3 matches will be played on Town & City, Smashville, and Battlefield in that order.
Additional Rules
Controller Disconnects
If a player’s controller becomes disconnected for any reason other than outside interference (for example, if a player walks by a setup and accidentally trips on a cord and unplugs it), it counts as if the player paused the game will be subject to a penalty of 1 stock loss. (An example would be a self-brought pro controller battery dying mid set).
Stalling, or intentionally making the game unplayable, is banned and at the discretion of tournament staff. Stalling includes but is not limited to becoming invisible, continuing infinites past 300%, and reaching a position that your opponent can never reach you. Stalling will result in a forfeit of the game for the player that initiated the action.
Self-Destruct Moves
If a game ends with a self-destruct move, the results screen will determine the winner. If a sudden death occurs, standard sudden death rules apply.
Sudden Death
If a game goes to Sudden Death, the winner is determined by stocks and percentage at the time the game ends. If both players are tied in stocks the player with the lower percentage is the winner. In the event of a percentage tie, or a game in which both players lose their last stock simultaneously, a 1 stock tiebreaker will be played with a 3 minute time limit. The results of an in-game 300% Sudden Death do not count. If Sudden Death occurs in a Sudden Death game, this process is repeated.
Character Color/Team Color Selection
If there is a dispute in character colors or team colors (i.e. both players want to use green fox), the players will play one RPS game to determine who gets the color.
Warm-up periods, button checks, and “handwarmers” may not exceed 30 seconds on the game clock. Violation of this rule may result in an automatic forfeit at the discretion of the tournament organizer.
Anyone who is not present for their set by 5 minutes past the point their match is announced over the PA will automatically forfeit the match. Brackets and match schedules will be available at the event.
Players suspected of colluding may be immediately disqualified from the tournament. This includes intentionally throwing a game, splitting a payout, or committing any other form of bracket manipulation. The tournament organizer reserves the right to deny payout of event winnings to any player suspected of colluding, and reallocate any prizes to the next in line of succession.
Final Rulings
If any unforeseen situations occur, judgment of tournament staff is final. Rules may be altered between phases of a tournament in the best interests of the event. (Example: A game breaking glitch is discovered on a stage mid tournament that could be exploited. Thus, the stage may need to be removed from legal play for the remainder of the event. Fewer registrations than anticipated so we up the number of games per match, or vice versa.)
Any controller will be supported that does not use a macro or turbo function, which includes but is not limited to: Nintendo Gamecube controller, Switch Pro Controller, Joy-cons (single or double), USB wired controllers licensed by Nintendo, Smashbox or other box controllers, or any controller that can be connected via dongle (such as a PS4 controller).
Controller Interference
If your controller is found to be the cause of disruption to the tournament (mid-game or otherwise), you are subject to complete disqualification from the event.
- 1st Place: $500 in cash, one of the wired Hori Pro Controllers used at the event, and first choice of one of the large-scale video game posters available at the event.
- 2nd Place: $300 in cash, one of the wired Hori Pro Controllers used at the event, and second choice of one of the large-scale video game posters available at the event
- 3rd Place: $100 in cash, one of the wired Hori Pro Controllers used at the event, and third choice of one of the large-scale video game posters available at event
- *Prizes may be subject to change up until the day of the event depending on several factors including but not limited to availability.
Early Registration:
*Email is only used for updating participants once we near the time of the event. This information will never be shared with anyone other than the tournament organizer.